Traveling the world, learning languages, and immersing myself in new cultures.

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For all my adventures in China, check out my new and exciting vlog.
All my travels, encounters with language and culture, and of course, learning the language.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

11 Surprising Things One Learns While Living in Alaska

If you read my last article, 10 Things I Bet You Didn't Know About Alaska, and you're not from Alaska, you were probably amazed and bewildered by my observations. If you weren't then read the article again and then be amazed and bewildered (at least fake it!). 

The locals offered some amazing feedback on that article, which I really appreciated, and inspired me to share more about what this non-local is experiencing in Alaska.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

San Diego, California, USA: It Never Rains in Southern California

My mom is going to San Diego for a work conference and initially my dad was going to join her but now he has to work. I guess I'll be a good son and go enjoy southern California on his behalf. The sacrifices I make for my family!
Things are about to get more Funner!
Things are about to get more Funner!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Más Cosas Que Puedo Hacer En Español

Click to read English
I'm certain that all of you remember my last entry about "Things that I can do in Spanish". Despite not actually being in Spain right now, I keep improving in the langeage. I read a lot and listen to auidobokks, I watch mvoies and practice writing in Spanish. All of this helps, I think, and so I am going to share some more "Things that I can do in Spanish".

Argue with my girlfriend

Like any relationship, there are good times and... not so good times. And my girlfriend is Spanish and when we argue, I have an opportunity to quickly react in Spanish without thinking. I can speak from a position of emotion and (try) to explain my point of view and how I feel. Also, I have to listen and understand her feelings and her point of view, and her reactions to my arguments. Of course, she wins the arguments, but at least I was able to defend my position. You have to look for silver linings!

Speak with Mexicans

It's already difficult to speak English in England even though I'm American, but to speak Spanish in Mexico gave me quite a challenge. I did it successfully (tooting my own horn here) and not only could I speak with them, I learned their slang and used it in their "markets" and had a "great" time. "No lie"! I am the "best". Haha

Write and perform a song

No explanation needed, just listen to the song!


Estoy segurísimo que todos de vosotros recordáis mi ultima entrada sobre las cosas que puedo hacer en español. A pesar de no estar en España por el momento, sigo mejorando en el idioma. Leo mucho y escucho audiolibros, veo películas y escribo en español. Todo esto ayuda, creo, entonces voy a compartir más cosas que puedo hacer en Español.

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