For all my adventures in China, check out my new and exciting vlog.
All my travels, encounters with language and culture, and of course, learning the language.
So, Ainhoa recently came out to visit me in China and I did a seven-part vlog on our wonderful adventures together. Here, you can relive those moments with us, as I provide a brief explanation of the highlights of each video.
Giant Buddha in Leshan (Vlog #8 - 3rd video below)
I've been considering incorporating more video in my blog posts, and even replacing some posts with video. Well, this is the first post that I will do entirely as a video.
Subscribe to the YouTube channel to receive updates on new videos.
Comment, like, and share the videos with everyone you've ever met in life. Thank you, that is all.
What does the China visa process look like? How long does it take to get a Chinese work visa? How much does the Chinese visa process cost? Check out the timeline below.
U.S. residence: Alaska
Chinese embassy: San Francisco
🕒Days since I started the process 💰Total money spent 🛬China arrival date
As you (should) know, I am moving to China in a few weeks. I've learned that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are blocked in China, among other sites, and my blog is powered by Blogger (a Google product).
This is partially me complaining about Google's blogging service (compared to the ease of Wordpress - though they charge for all the good stuff), and partially me thanking Google for forcing me to learn some HTML and CSS, important skills to have nowadays. This list is not everything that I've learned, but the more intense and time consuming examples. So, despite my hours of frustration and looking up every new term, I better appreciate a nicely done website, and I hope my website gives you the same appreciation.
Qué hay en Navarra? Muchos lugares y sitios bonitos, preciosos y asombrosos! Cuando vives en un lugar, muchas veces piensas, "Ah, un día iré ver eso, pero ahora es mejor viajar más lejos." Pues, 'un día' se convierte en 'luego' y 'luego' se convierte en 'nunca'. Nunca aprovechas de tu propio vecindario.
Por el otro lado, los extranjeros y las turistas vienen y ven y disfrutan todos los lugares que 'no has tenido tiempo' para aprovechar. Como yo, el autor y guiri extraordinario de VEN con TMax. Viví un poco menos de tres años en Pamplona y además de ver todo el país, conozco muy bien Navarra.
Has vivido aquí en Navarra durante muchos años, o aún todo tu vida, pero ¿has visitado todos estos lugares?
Languages are like most skills: if you don't use them, you lose them. But, I think that's an oversimplification since we also have the saying, "It's like riding a bike..." So, really, if you don't use it, it will just sink into the recesses of your brain until you decide to access it again. But, you'll be slow and feel almost like you're relearning. And, the more you access it, the faster and more adeptly you (re)become at that skill.
So, I don't want to lose my level in any of the languages I speak, so in addition to consuming content (movies, music, and reading), I produce content to help keep me sharp. Though sometimes I feel about as sharp as a.... not sharp thing. (Give me a break! I'm trying... to be lazy :-P).
Wow, all that talking just to present to you my new original song that I performed in English, Spanish, and French (and kinda in Chinese). Enjoy! Buen provecho! Bon appetit!
Because I Can (Porque Puedo, Parce Que Je Peux)
Was that not the best thing you ever heard in your entire life??? Leave comments below!
It has been six months since I left Spain and reflecting on the good times, I've come up with a list of things that I most miss about my life in Pamplona. Though I was sad to leave, I'm glad I had the opportunity to live there.
Ya ha sido seis meses desde que me fui de España y estaba reflexionando sobre los buenos recuerdos y he hecho una list de las cosas que más les echo de menos de mi vida en Pamplona. Aunque estuve triste irme, estoy feliz que tenía la oportunidad para vivir allí.
Ainhoa and I watching the almadías go down the river
I've been asked by a few people to write about this topic, so, this is my first official "write what your readers ask for" article. Obviously, this is going to be gold. So, pull out your pen and notepad (or stylus and tablet) and take some notes!
Sure, it's nice to plan out a vacation and go on pre-arranged excursions and take part in pre-planned events, but not every trip will be so structured. Sometimes, you don't have time to plan or you will have a spontaneous, last-minute weekend trip and you'll have to be able to survive and have a great time. Here are a few tips to make that spontaneous trip the best ever!
If you didn't get it, the title was like you, the reader, were asking me the question. Clever, huh? I'm certain that titling technique has never been done before. Anyway, I've been working on a few projects, and I expect 2018 to be a great year for me.
Drone Pilot
I bought a drone back in September and I've been having a great time with it. I really got to test its limits when I went down to San Diego and I shot some great videos. Recently I published a short film that I had been working on (see below). It took awhile because while filming it I crashed my drone, but thankfully I had insurance.
Moving to China
I recently found a job in Beijing, China and now I'm working on obtaining my Chinese visa (boy is it a process!). Since I'm planning to move to China, I've been learning Mandarin Chinese with audio courses and workbooks. It's quite a difficult language, but not as hard as I thought it would be.
Speaking other languages helps to make learning Chinese a bit easier. I have been able to take advantage of the similarities in the languages I know: the sounds of French, the accent-based system of Spanish, and the simplicity of English grammar.
Coaching Fitness Online
I recently launched an online video fitness course on Udemy (click here for a 75% discount!). I have taken the years of experience I gained from giving boot camps in Spain, and compiled those experiences into a course that can be useful for the majority of people.