This is partially me complaining about Google's blogging service (compared to the ease of Wordpress - though they charge for all the good stuff), and partially me thanking Google for forcing me to learn some HTML and CSS, important skills to have nowadays. This list is not everything that I've learned, but the more intense and time consuming examples.
So, despite my hours of frustration and looking up every new term, I better appreciate a nicely done website, and I hope my website gives you the same appreciation.
In addition to learning the basics of HTML, like making headings, changing font size, text and background colors and images, and adding links, I've also learned how to do:
Below are the 5 most interesting/difficult implementations of HTML/CSS on my website.

I am continuing to implement new elements of CSS and HTML as I learn them. I like trying new designs and troubleshooting how to make my site look as interesting and interactive as possible.
So, despite my hours of frustration and looking up every new term, I better appreciate a nicely done website, and I hope my website gives you the same appreciation.

In addition to learning the basics of HTML, like making headings, changing font size, text and background colors and images, and adding links, I've also learned how to do:
- Bulleted and numbered lists
- Responsive text and images
- Subscription forms
- Embedding images and videos
- Modifications on my wesbite theme
Below are the 5 most interesting/difficult implementations of HTML/CSS on my website.
1) Making tables with jump links
Guide to Spain
1.1) Plus hover overlay text on photos
Guide to Pamplona
2) Collapsibles with Transparent Overlay Text
Travel Buddies
2.1) Multiple Collapsibles
10 and a Half Things I Miss About Living in Pamplona, Spain
3) Tabs
About the TMax
4) Hero Image
10 Things I Bet You Didn't Know About Alaska
5) Full Screen Overlay
China Do It BIG
I am continuing to implement new elements of CSS and HTML as I learn them. I like trying new designs and troubleshooting how to make my site look as interesting and interactive as possible.
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